Prints on Wood Will Print Your Photos and Art on Plywood

POW LOGO Correct blacksPHOTOGRAPHERS. ARTISTS. If you want to add a new layer of visual interest to the photo or art prints you sell, consider having them printed on plywood.

Prints on Wood prints custom and fine artwork, photos, and graphic designs directly on FSC certified wood. Whether it’s one-of-a-kind or limited-edition art pieces, photos of favorite memories, or even a point-of-purchase (POP) marketing display, the possibilities for photo printing on wood are endless.

Plywood makes a compelling canvas for art because no two sheets have the same grain signature. When done right, printing on wood elevates the image as it blends with the natural wood background. The imperfections of the grain and random knots in the wood can add depth and character to the art.

PhotosonWood2Custom wood prints are ideal for gifts, custom wall art and one-of-a-kind custom displays.

The look and feel of a printed wood display is well-suited to companies who want to add organic tones to their branding campaigns.

Prints on Wood recently updated their website, with more details about the process and examples of the type of prints they have created. In addition, you can now upload photos from your Facebook and Instagram accounts (as well as your computer).

The digital-printing experts at Prints on Wood will output your digital photos on a flatbed inkjet printer that uses UV-curable inks to output rich, vibrant colors directly on the surface of sustainable plywood.

They can print on sheets up to 4 x 8 ft.  Customers who order online can choose from 17 rectangular or square print sizes, ranging from 4 x 6 to 24 x 36 inches.

Prints on Wood offers wholesale prices for professional photographers and gallery owners.

A gallery section on the redesigned site enables artists to sell their prints on wood.


Prints on Wood

Prints on Wood:  Create Your Own

Personalized Décor Prints Last Longer Than Valentine Flowers

If you convert images into photo merchandise or wall art, the weeks leading up to Valentine’s Day can be a good time to promote your creations as gifts.

Several press releases issued earlier this year suggested that wall-size prints can make great gifts for Valentine’s Day.  Not only will a wall print last longer than flowers, but it can also provide a year-round visual reminder of memorable moments in a relationship.

Enterprising companies promoted the ability the create custom wall art from Instagram photos, kiss prints, and lovemaking sessions.

DNA 11 Turns Kisses into Eye Candy

With a DNA 11 Kiss Print, you can immortalize your smooch on canvas. Or, you can give your Valentine a Kiss Print Gift Kit and create a “kiss print” as a couple.

Creating a kiss print is fun, four-step process.

  • Order the Kiss collection kit.
  • Apply the provided Revolution Organics lipstick.
  • Kiss the sheets in the kiss-collection pad until you get the lip-print look you want.
  • Send your lip print to DNA 11 for enlargement and printing on canvas.

When you order the lip print, you can choose the size and color combination that best fits with the rest of your décor.  The art can be sent in a ready-to-hang form or as a rolled print in a tube.

DNA 11 can also create a contemporary, ultra-personalized portrait from your DNA or fingerprints.


DNA 11

CanvasPop Suggests Printing Memorable Instagram Images

CanvasPop, which made news with the launch of its Instagram canvas prints service, is promoting custom photo art as a more meaningful, visually expressive alternative to a traditional off-the-shelf Valentine’s card.

“The best thing about photos is that they’re so personal and have the ability to hold such meaning. That’s why it’s the perfect sentimental Valentine’s Day gift.” said Spencer Callaghan, director of marketing at CanvasPop.

“Whether this is your first or fiftieth Valentine’s Day with that significant other, the key to giving a memorable Valentine’s Day gift is creativity—the thought that went into it,” he adds.

In an online press release, CanvasPop suggests creative ways that customers can convert their pictures into gift-worthy wall art:

  • A picture of where you first met with an added vintage filter.
  • A family photo enlivened with a pop-art filter.
  • A wedding photo printed on canvas with an accent color isolated.
  • A close-up photo of an item with perosnal meaning (ring, flower, etc.).
  • A photo of a memorable trip.

CanvasPop provides custom canvas-printing services to photographers, digital artsts, interior designers, and consumers. The company prides itself on being able to print any image (including Facebook, iPhone and Instagram pictures) at virtually any size regardless of the original resolution of the image.


CanvasPop Instagram Prints

Commemorate the Art of Lovemaking

With the “Love is Art” kit, you and your partner can turn a lovemaking session into a memorable piece of expressionist art on canvas.  After your “painting” is complete, you can stretch and frame the canvas for display in your home.

The $60 kit includes:

  • a 54 x 41-inch specially treated, non-allergenic white cotton canvas
  • an 80 x 90-inch plastic sheet to protect surfaces from paint splashes
  • a 4-oz. bottle of specially formulated black, non-toxic washable paint
  • two pairs of disposable paper slippers
  • a custom body scrubber

The kit was created by abstract artist Jeremy Brown, who has been making paintings during intimacy for over a decade. After being complimented on a personal work of art in his own home, Brown was inspired to create artists’ kits for others. He spent six months researching and developing appropriate materials to ensure a safe project.


Love is Art Kit


Sculpteo Can Convert Photos of People into 3D Figurines

Picture some of the photo-merchandise possibilities of the latest 3D printing service offered by Sculpteo. After you upload front- and profile-view photos of an individual, Sculpteo artists will interpret the visuals to create a 3D model of that person which they will send you for approval. You get to choose the clothing and colors.

Sculpteo Mini Figurines

Within a few days, you will receive a personalized figurine (or 3D avatar or mini-action figure) between 3 to 4 inches high. The figurines are manufactured on a 3D digital printer, which builds and solidifies a material layer by layer until the finished object is created.

Sculpteo Bridal Party

The mini-action figures could be popular for graduation, birthday, and retirement parties or bridal showers and weddings. You might also create mini-action figures for sports-team banquets or as gifts for children of military parents serving overseas. You can figure out many other possibilities as well.

