Use Premium Photo Books from Shutterfly as Portfolio Books

For a quick, easy way to publish an attractive portfolio book, check out Shutterfly’s new line of Premium photo books. The books are printed on satin-finish, double-thick professional-grade paper, with lay-flat pages that allow one photo to be seamlessly displayed over two full pages.  All Premium photo books are assembled by hand with an expertly bound genuine leather cover and stitched edges.

Shutterfly’s Premium books are available in three sizes: 8 x 8 inches (from $54.99), 8 x 11 inches (from $64.99), and 12 x 12 inches (from $94.99). Each book includes 20 pages, with additional pages priced at $1.00 for the two smaller sizes and $1.50 for the 12 x 12 size.

Shutterfly is promoting the Premium photo books as a deluxe way for brides to convert their wedding photos into lasting keepsakes. So Shutterfly has introduced a Custom Path book-design tool that makes it easy for non-designers to resposition and resize images and add captions or text blocks.

Most of the page backgrounds the Shutterfly offers support specific themes, such as weddings, babies, birthdays, children, travel, and storytelling. But Shutterfly also offers several portfolio-layout backgrounds for photographers and artists.


Shutterfly Premium Photo Books