Swiftspin Offers Updated Guide on Spin Product Photography

PHOTOGRAPHERS. If you want to learn how to produce 360-degree product photography to meet the growing demand for rich-media websites, check out the free introductory guide from Swiftspin, a leader in 360 degree product photography.

Ebook on 360 Spin Photography
The 35-page guide explains the basics of 360-degree product photography and how to produce spins without expensive equipment. Recently revised and updated, the guide describes in detail each step of the process including photography, processing, retouching, color balancing, and animation. The guide also includes trade secrets used by successful pros, step-by-step instructions for different product photography techniques, and tips for avoiding some of the most common mistakes.

For a limited time, if you request the introductory guide, you will get three bonus guides explaining how to:

  • build a photography turntable
  • shoot footwear in 360 degrees
  • produce a simple 360-degree animation.

Based in England, Swiftspin is a photographer-run organization dedicated to helping fellow photographers earn additional income from 360-degree product photography.

An Introduction to 360-Degree Spins: Swiftspin